Raw Data

Usually, when we are about to begin with developing new application, we start by analyzing the documentation (e.g. reports, screen layouts from that system...). The application, which will be developed in this guide, is application for managing projects and generating reports about them. Figure below represents how generated reports should look like.

Final report

As we can see, this is rather simple report. For each project the following details must be recorded:

  • Project Code - internal code of project.
  • Project Title - title of the project.
  • Project Manager No. - internal number of assigned project manager.
  • Project Manager - responsible manager for that project. Each project has one project manager.
  • Project Budget - planned budget for the project.
  • Priority/Date - priority of the project (possible values are: H - High, N - Normal and L - Low, used for allocating working hours of employee) and deadline date.
  • List of employees who are assigned to that project and their details (their internal number, name, thei department number and name and hourly rate). One employee can be assigned to multiple projects and can have a different hourly rate depending upon which project he is working on.
  • Total number of staff assigned to the project.
  • Average hourly rate for all employees assigned to that project.

This report should be normalized.